Home » A Deeper Love

A Deeper Love

Posted on September 14, 2017
By Fletcher Jonson
Amy Austin
91.3 KGLY Late Afternoons

Hey guys, I’ve found some great advice about communicating with your wife/girlfriend! I thought you might like that!89.5 KVNE East Texas Christian Radio A Deeper Love Heard On Air Blog Featured Image

Men and women communicate differently, right? Sometimes, this difference can leave you guys, well, confounded. So, I thought I would put in my two cents, and try to enlighten you.

As most of you men know, listening to your mate talk may seem puzzling. You’re right…because you are a man! Women tend to talk faster and move from one topic to another, leaving you lost.

When that happens, you usually hear your wife or girlfriend say, “Are you listening to me?”

You panic, then reply, “Of course I’m listening.”

Then your wife says. “well, what did I say?”

Game over!

I know you guys don’t mean to “not listen.” You’re just wired differently! But if you don’t listen to your wife, she will feel unloved. She could feel frustrated, hurt, and rejected. We don’t want that, right? Right!

Here are a few strategies for listening better. Try these. Your wife will appreciate the effort and will feel loved!

3 strategies for listening to your wife:
  1. Schedule three 30-minute “talking times” per week. Have these private conversations in a quiet place at home, just the two of you. No kids, no pets, no phones, and no TV. Without distractions, you can genuinely listen to the most important person in your life.
  2. Let her know you are really listening by including the things she says and emotions about how she feels. By doing this, she will feel heard and not
    just listened too.
  3. Think about what she has said and respond. Take notes from all the shares. Think about them and give her a response at the next couple “talk time.” When you share what you think and feel about the topics, you show her real interest in her and you can communicate deeper.

“Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.” — Romans 12:10

How do you communicate in your relationship?

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