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Heard On-Air

Kid Friendly Conversation Starters

To get conversation with your kids flowing, you often need to ask the right kinds of questions. Try these kid-friendly conversation starters: For school-age children: What is the best job in the whole world? If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?...

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30 Great Conversation Starters for Your Marriage

This article originally appeared on MomLife Today, FamilyLife's blog for moms. Yesterday I had a friend tell me she sometimes runs out of things to talk about to her man. That got me to thinking, wouldn’t it be nice if someone made a list of conversation starters that...

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25 Gifts That Don’t Come Under The Tree

25 Gifts That Don’t Come Under The Tree Written by Mary Lutz Christmas is all about giving (or should be) and the greatest gifts that you can give don’t come under the tree! So here are a few ideas that might help you help someone else: 1. Invite a single mom and her...

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Audio Adrenaline Hands and Feet Project

$250,000 BUILDS HOMES FOR OVER 100 CHILDREN The Hands and Feet Project, founded by Audio Adrenaline in 2004, cares for 100 orphaned and abandoned children in the southern region of Haiti. Hands and Feet strives to provide family-style care for each child, giving each...

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50 Days of Grandpa Wisdom

As Mike and Lois were expecting a grandson in September, Mike counted down the days with words of "Grandpa Wisdom that he hopes to share with his grandson someday.  Here are some of his wise words! #50 - The anticipation usually outweighs the actual event. #49 - Be...

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NOW, I actually understand 'childlike faith'

Caroline, our seven year old daughter, was very quiet in the car on the way to school this morning. I asked her if she was okay. She said yes, but then got quiet again. Several minutes later she said, "Hey, dad! I've got an idea!" My first thought was that we were...

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